Is it possible to improve product design processes by integrating quality methods into them? Can it really lead to less struggle and frustration with completing design projects?
Yes! If quality thinking is weaved throughout the design process, it can help turn frustration in trying to check off a risk management box and getting buy-in from others into:
- improved handoffs to other departments
- improved product quality
- clarity in making decisions during the design process
- and more

But there’s no one-size-fits-all strategy because your design process is unique to your company.
For product development leaders who struggle with wrapping-up design projects, I partner with you to add quality methods throughout the design cycle, including FMEA that are required in regulated industries. Unlike 2-day training seminars about how to do a quality analysis, I work with clients to add quality tools as part of their routine design activities.
As a result of working with Deeney Enterprises, LLC, clients receive a custom strategy, help with implementation, and ongoing support.

Dianna Deeney